Who are these Critters you speak of?

Monday, March 28, 2011

Welcome Home

This is the sight I see when I get home and the Critters are still awake. I can't think of anything better.

Brother was apparently busy, but he was replaced by plenty of stuffed animals.


Happy B-day Grandpa Dave


Happy very-belated Birthday Grandpa Dave!

Dad has been absent lately so its his fault this is late.

Love CarCar and the rest of the Critters.

The Shower - David and Mary

I am pretty late with this blog. I think everyone else at the shower has already blogged about it, shoot, I think that Mary has had another shower in the meantime. Session is definitely kicking my butt, let's just say it is a slight change from my previous job.

It was a couples shower and a good time was had by all. There was plenty of BBQ, Mac 'n Cheese, Fried Pickles, and Asian Slaw (I know you definitely think of this with BBQ - apparently it is a favorite of Mary's so they decided to roll with it.). There was also plenty of the beer, which was a hit with the menfolk that were there.

Here are a few pics from the shindig:

Shower Hostesses Prom Picture.

The Real Hostesses, the guys, aside from Adam did nothing (as far as I know).

The super cool card, handmade by Miss Mary. Notice the snazzy gent in the picture, oh yea, thats me just in case you were wondering.


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Going Old School - Pine Box Style

Our church had a pine box derby race a couple of weekends ago and Brother and I decided to try our luck. Brother came up with the design for the car and I was tasked with actually building the car. Luckily it wasn't too bad and I was pretty happy with the results. Unfortunately we did not win anything, I am still not too sure how that happen. Oh well, Reese and I know that it was pure awesomeness on wheels.

Here are a few pics:


First Mate?

Brother, we need to work on this.

Needless to say, Brother will not be a captain anytime soon. The one positive is that things seem further away than they actually are. It will make our yard look that much bigger, and it will also make the Somali pirates seem further away.
