Who are these Critters you speak of?

Friday, August 6, 2010

The Land Before Time

Mom, Dad, Abbey, and the Critters headed south to Orlando for a conference for Mom and a birthday for Dad. On Saturday we decided to head down to Disney to have lunch at T-Rex. I must say that Rian and I were a little concerned that the Critters may be overwhelmed by all of the moving dinosaurs and noise, but let me tell you they took it in stride, aside from one unfortunate incident which I will get to later. After a brief stint at Olivia's (Old Key West Resort) we headed down to Downtown Disney.

This lovely gent greeted you as you walked into the restaurant.

T-Rex is quite the impressive restaurant. Contained inside the restaurant is a Build-a-Dino workshop (think Build-a-Bear). As you can imagine Hadley was in heaven being surrounded by so many stuffed animal options. She made a b-line and chose her dino. Surprisingly she did not chose a lovable looking one, but a rather fierce red dinosaur with fangs. Hadley did not feel like following the Build-a-Dino protocol and would not relinquish her dinosaur so it could be stuffed. After I pried it out of her little hands we picked a sound box and put the heart in it. After having it stuffed Hadley once again snatched it and this time refused to give it up, this made paying for it somewhat of a challenge. Finally the lady behind the counter gave me a pair of scissors and I just cut the tag off. As you can imagine Hadley has a new best friend. Reese and CarCar chose smaller dino's that didn't need to be stuffed.

Hadley refusing to give up her dino.

You crazy people think you are gonna take this from me again, I'm outta here.

CarCar showing you here not too fierce Triceratops.

Brother's not fierce in the slightest Saber tooth Tiger.

As soon as we were done with the dino stuffing our table was ready. The inside of T-Rex is pretty freaking cool and we were seated in the "fire" room, right next to a huge animatronic Tyrannosaurus Rex. One of the neat things about the restaurant is that approximately every fifteen minutes there is a meteor shower and the whole restaurant is a blaze with activity. All of the dinosaurs are moving around and you can see the meteor shower on the ceiling.

This guy was right over our table.

Some of the dinos in the restaurant.

We decided to walk around after the first meteor shower with CarCar so we could get her picture taken with one of the dino's. We found a cutish looking one and sat CarCar down by it. As I was going to snap the picture the dino springs to life and moved its head, gently nudging CarCar. Well to CarCar this was a sign of aggression and a vicious attack and it sent her into hysterics. Rian and I had to take her over to the aquarium area to calm her down. We went back to the table to avoid any other dino attacks and had our lunch.

This was CarCar after the "attack."

We were heading to take a few more pictures when we noticed half of the staff in the restaurant was heading to our table. Rian rushed us back and when we arrived there was this huge smoking dessert tray for my birthday. After a rousing performance of "happy birthday" we dug into the dessert.

My birthday dessert.

Mom, Dad, and the girls in the 'ice room.'

We definitely got our fill of food at T-Rex. Naturally we decided that we would head out in the 115 degree heat to walk off the brownies and ice cream. After a few stores and a train ride we succumbed to the heat and headed home. Needless to say the Critters had a great time and can't wait to go back in October to go to the Magic Kingdom.

CarCar reminding everyone to keep hydrated.

Dad and Brother on the train.

Mom, Grandma B, and the girls on the train.


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