Who are these Critters you speak of?

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Trunk or Treak

Well, the kids school once again had their annual Trunk or Treat.  Unfortunately, this year was a little warm out and the Critters costumes are a bit on the thick side.  Two of the three Critters were a little under the weather too.  Just for clarification, the Critters are dressing up as their luvies this year for Halloween.

The Critters, Grandma Kate, Aunt Donna, Rian and I headed up for a quick trip to the soiree.  We only did one loop around and the Critters really don't need to go out on Halloween.  They got waaaaaay too much candy.  By that time we caught up to Aunt Donna and Reese and he already had his costume off, he was apparently bordering on a heat stroke.  Hadley had just gotten her cast off and she was doing her best hobbling and limping around to get candy.  And finally, Carson was really not feeling too hot and was ready to go home.

I was able to get a few pics from the event, not as many as the years past, though.  I will do a better job on Halloween.

Here are the pics:

Hadley as the gimpy pig, and Reese as the horse.

Hadley with the matching pig treat bag.

Yes, this horse appears to be wearing Sperry Topsiders.

Brotherman cookin' in his horse costume.

Gettin' some candy.

Haddie again.

SK and Brother.  Holly apparently got the better angle.  Note to self:  Ask Holly for the better picture.

The whole crew.


The girls with their buddy Avery.

CarCar the Giraffe.  I am not sure if she is posing or has to go the bathroom.

I am not really sure what is going on here.


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