Who are these Critters you speak of?

Monday, May 7, 2012

Potty Training, yep its that time.

Well, we entered the realm of potty training a few weeks ago.  I found out about a 3 day potty training boot camp from another multiple blogger.  The concept of this program is you stop using diapers completely, you actually have the kids throw them out.  After you have the kids throw their diapers out you immediately place them in undies (Thomas the Train, Hello Kitty, and Princesses at our house).  To say that Rian and I were a little apprehensive and skeptical would be an understatement.

So on April 21 at 8am, we had the Critters toss out the remaining diapers in the house and we went cold-turkey.  We repeated the following phrase at least a thousand times over the next three days, 'let mommy and daddy know when you have to go potty.'  According to the program you are not supposed to ask them if they have to go potty, you must ask them to tell you when they have to go.  It apparently helps them recognize their body signals.  I was prepared for poop and urine to be everywhere, constant sheet changes, and no sleep.  To Rian and my surprise we only had to clean up a handful of accidents on the floor, changed the sheets four times and got six full hours of sleep the first night.  The Critters actually seemed to get the gist of the program by the second day. 

When a child successfully utilizes the toilet the parent is supposed to vocally celebrate this achievement.  Well, I think I took it a little too far with Carson.  As most of you know, she does not really care for loud noises.  She was the first to successfully deposit poop in the toilet and I got a little over exuberant with my 'touchdown celebration.'  I went a little too Ickey Woods and Terrell Owens rather than just giving the football to the ref and settling for a chest bump.  Luckily, it did not permanently scar CarCar and we were able to move on.  The Critters have been diaper free since April 21st.

While I am singing the praises of this program, I don't want you to think that there hasn't been accidents, bumps in the road, and some regression.  Luckily, the program helps you address these situations when they occur.  So this multiple family give the 3 day potty training boot camp two big thumbs up.


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